Terms and conditions

Welcome to VMA

Our aim is to provide a comprehensive foundation in music with support from your principal teacher and thanks to additional group lessons in Music Theory, Music History, and Solfeggio (advanced aural). VMA will also organise a range of outings and take children to concerts, operas and masterclasses to develop their taste for beauty and understanding of art.

Term Dates

We expect that all students will be available to attend lessons every Sunday.

Preparation for Lessons

Please make sure that students have their music books, practice notebook, and instruments (if relevant) for lessons each week.

The practice notebook not only reminds the students what they need to work on, but also helps the teacher to track the progress and notes of what has been done. Consistency is very important for both students and teachers.

Regular Practice is Essential

Students will ideally practice daily and work through the recommendations in their practice notebook.
We will do our best to encourage them to “play” as much as they can by motivating students with rewards and concert participation. Our holistic approach will also help students develop the right attitude to practicing regularly. However, we need parents’ help and support to achieve the best for their children and enable them to fulfil their potential. Regular practice will ensure progress and enjoyment of the learning process.

It is important to maintain communication with us. Our dedicated team will let parents know if any changes or improvements are required.

Fees and Payment

Payment of fees is due within one week time from the invoice date.

An additional charge will be added to invoices not paid on time.

If fees are not paid on time, we reserve the right to suspend the student’s lessons and to take additional action to recover outstanding invoices. This is to ensure our teachers are paid on time for their excellent teaching. (….)


We suggest arriving at least 10min before the lesson begins. Our teachers have full schedules, and timely arrival ensures that your child will not lose any lesson time. Please respect others and be quiet while waiting as other students might be having lessons at the same time.


Parents must wait outside the teaching area to pick up their children. Please check students’ belongings and do not forget anything at the school as we cannot guarantee it will be found.

Students will be accompanied by a member of staff. Students will only be released upon visual recognition of the parent/guardian. If someone else will collect your children, please let a member of staff and the school know before the lesson.


If a child is disruptive, destructive, or dangerous to themselves, other children, or members of staff during class or special events, we will make every effort to work with parents/guardians and the child in question to resolve this behaviour. If the behaviour persists or other undesired behaviours develop, the child in question will be asked to take a break from the class or event.


We kindly ask that you notify the school of any dates to be missed at least 2 weeks in advance and in writing at our email address: [email protected]

Catch-up private lessons will be available for all absences notified in advance.

Music Theory, History, Aural and Solfeggio classes are scheduled group lessons and will be unavailable for catch-up classes. We also reserve the right to terminate lessons if a student is not attending regularly and will suggest they attend individual sessions instead. This is to respect the other students and maintain the progress of every child.

48 hours’ notice
We require 48h notice for any lesson cancellation. Individual lessons notified in advance can be re-arranged; in all other cases, lessons they will be charged in full and fees are not refundable.

Catch-up lessons

Individual lessons

If a student or teacher was absent or ill, we can cover up to two lessons. Lessons will be arranged during weekdays, half term, or holidays. Teachers may suggest an online lesson, to be agreed by the teacher and student. We will track all missed lessons and contact parents to discuss solutions.

If a catch-up lesson was booked and missed, it cannot be rescheduled or transferred to the following term.

*Group lessons are unfortunately not available for catch-up and lesson fees are charged in full and are not refundable.

Food and Drink
Food and drinks are not allowed in teaching areas, only in the canteen or outside school. We ask that the school is kept clean and tidy.

You may bring water into classrooms, but no other drinks are allowed.

* Virtuosi Music Academy is a nut-free school; no food containing nuts should be brought on to the premises.

End of Term and Gala Concerts

Each teacher will determine whether their student should participate in a concert and communicate with the student’s parents. We recommend that each student play in at least one End of Term concert. These recitals are meant to be a fun experience for both students and parents. They will have a relaxed atmosphere and each participant will be presented with a well-deserved diploma, flowers and treats. We also have a small reception with food and drinks after the concert in order to foster a friendly atmosphere between the children, create a supportive community, and encourage interest and an increased desire to practice and participate.

Public Appearances/Exams/ Scholarship Preparation/Auditions/Competitions etc.

We take all performance seriously. Not only is it a life experience, but performance results are something that students will take with them in their lives. Our teachers will help pupils to prepare their programmes to a high standard and guide them through the process. We will train students psychologically by giving advice and encouraging them to participate and run through their programmes at Open Classes in front of VMA pupils and parents, at local festivals and other public events.

Your child’s teacher may also advise additional lessons or intensive courses (a 5-day consecutive course) to help prepare students for a concert, audition or other similar performance in order to achieve the best results.

Parent Commitment

Commitment is fundamental to a musical education. Our teachers will do everything to encourage, motivate and support pupils. However, learning anything new can be challenging, especially in our era of instant gratification. Some things require patience and perseverance, and music is one of them – this is one of the many life lessons that music teaches. We therefore ask that parents support their children by working with teachers and trying their best to follow the teachers’ recommendations. For the best results, we must work as a team.

* Suggested reading: “Ability Development from Age Zero” and other books by Shinichi Suzuki

Child safety

We ask that you please ensure your child’s safety by collecting them promptly after lessons/classes. Children are supervised during their instruction time only. Our teachers do not supervise children before and/or after classes.

Nut-free policy

Virtuosi Music Academy is a nut-free school, and no food containing nuts should be brought on to the premises.

Medical conditions

Parents are responsible for ensuring that Virtuosi Music Academy has up-to-date and complete medical and contact information, including emergency contacts, for students at all times.

Please provide details of any medical/physical conditions, loss of hearing or any other known impediments, for example dyslexia, asthma, epilepsy, etc. on the application form. In the event of any changes, please update us in writing. All information will remain confidential.

Photo and Video Release Policy
The school is hereby granted permission to take photographs/videos of the students for use in school brochures and on its websites, posters, advertisements, and other promotional materials. Permission is also hereby granted for the school to copyright such photographs in its name.


If their child wishes to withdraw from the school, parents are required to send a full one-term notice to VMA in writing to [email protected]. If the required notice is not given, a full one term’s fees will be charged.

An administration fee will be applied for any cancellation or withdrawal.

There are no exceptions to these terms and conditions.

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